(articles 13-14 EU Reg. 679/16 "GDPR")
- 1. WHO ARE THE DATA CONTROLLER AND THE DATA PROTECTION OFFICER? The Data Controller is Ohme Group Srl, headquartered in Via G. B. Pirelli 14 - 62012, Civitanova Marche (MC), VAT number 02484770694, tel. : +39 0733 672081, email:
To contact the DPO, write to
- 2. WHO ARE THE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE TREATMENT? SThey are suppliers of IT and management services (eg Dropbox, Aruba, Google); external professionals and consultants (accountant, labor consultant, webmaster, IT maintainer, company consultant).
- 3. WHO ARE THE AUTHORIZED TO TREATMENT?The Data Controller has authorized and instructed certain subjects to process data under his authority, assigning them some tasks on data processing.
- 4. WHAT CATEGORIES OF DATA DOES THE OWNER TREAT? identification data; 2. contact details; 3. company data 4. bank data; 5. sensitive data (ethnic / racial origin, union activity, health).
5.1 Negotiations - Contract / pre-contractual measures - Duration: 6 months in the event of a contract not concluded;
5.2 Management of the contractual relationship - (quotes, orders, payments, returns, complaints, shipments) - Contract / pre-contractual measures - Duration: for the duration of the relationship.
5.3. Tax, contributory and declarative obligations in general - Legal obligation / Rights and obligations of the Owner in the field of labor and safety law - Duration of the employment relationship and then 10 years from the termination.
5.4. Preservation of documents: - Legal obligation / Rights and obligations of the Owner in the field of labor and safety law - Duration: 10 years from termination.
5.5. Dispute management - Legitimate Interest / Defense of a right - Duration: 10 years from the termination of the relationship (Article 2220 of the Italian Civil Code) and for the entire duration necessary for its protection.
5.6. Maintenance of IT systems (technical assistance on terminals and software) - Legitimate interest of the Owner - Duration: limited to technical intervention.
5.7. Video surveillance - Legitimate interest - Duration 24 hours (48 in case of A.G. request or closing days).
5.8. Business analysis - Legitimate interest - Duration: 5 years.
- 6. WHO IS THE DATA COMMUNICATED TO?The internal recipients of the data are: employees, partners, legal representative. The external recipients are customers, consultants, suppliers of goods and services, security companies, IT service providers (Google, Aruba, WeTransfer), Banks and Credit / Insurance Institutions, Italian Public Bodies (Revenue Agency, INPS, INAIL, local authorities, etc ...).
- 7.WHERE DOES THE OWNER COLLECT DATA? The Data Controller processes data provided by the interested party and can collect it in public databases such as the Chambers of Commerce.
- 8. HOW AND WHERE DOES THE OWNER PROCESS DATA? The Data Controller processes the data both in paper and electronic form at its headquarters, in Civitanova Marche (MC, Italy) and, limited to their duties, at the offices of the data processors. The Owner does not perform profiling or other automated treatments.
- 9. DOES THE OWNER TRANSFER DATA OUTSIDE THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA? The Data Controller transfers personal data abroad when using IT or electronic communication / storage / management network or service providers (e.g. Google Drive, Gmail, WeTransfer, Drop Box). In any case, the Data Controller will take care that this occurs in compliance with the law and to countries where there is an adequacy decision or another condition of lawfulness.
- 10. HOW DOES THE DATA CONTROLLER PROTECT YOUR DATA?Among others, measures are used such as locked cabinets, authorization profiles, robust passwords and their periodic change and secure storage, written authorization to the subjects in charge, monitoring of compliance with these measures.
- 11. WHAT ARE MY RIGHTS? Right of access, rectification, cancellation, limitation, portability, opposition, revocation of consent, right not to be subjected to a decision based solely on automatic processing (such as profiling). Operating mode: registered mail or email to: The request will normally be processed within 30 days.
Version no. 2.1 of 18.12.19